GIA Borghini Frauensammlung
Sandale mit hohem Heell von Gia Borghini in schattiertem Jeans mit Doppelklettband und quadratischer Zeh.Absatz 10 cm100% Textilmaterial / Ledersohle
Sandale von Gia Borghini in grauem Patentleder mit spitzem Design und schlanker Ferse.Absatz 10 cm100% Leder- / Ledersohle
Höhe: 8 cm Fersenart: SchlankGia Borghini"Perni 03" Sandalen100% Nappa - 100% CuoioHadelandalen
Perni 100-mm-Leder-Touch-Strap-Maultiere aus Gieborghini mit Cyanblau, Kalbleder, Front-Touch-Strap-Befestigung, Marken-Leder-Insist, offener Zehen, Quadratzehen, Hochverjüngungsfürchchen und Slip-on-Stil.Ferse 3,9 in / 10 cm
X Pernille Perni 100 mm Sandalen von Giorghini mit gepolstertem Design, vorderer Touch-Strap-Befestigung, Crossover-Gurtdetail, offener Toik, Marken-Innensohle, Steingrau, Kalbleder und 100 mm High Heel.Ferse 3,9 in / 10 cm; Plattform 0,4 in / 1 cm
'Honorine' Satin Maultiere mit vorderem Bug und Ferse.Gia Borghini'Honorine' MaultiereEU -Frauen Ferse: 8,5 cm
'Galantine' Satin Maultiere mit Bogendetails und Ferse.Gia Borghini"Galantine" MaultiereEU Frau Ferse: 11 cm
Gia Borghini x Pernille Teisbaek 'Perni 03' Ledersandalen mit Doppelband und Ferse.Gia Borghini'Perni 03' Gia Borghini x Pernille Teisbaek MulesEU -Frauen Absätze: 8 cm
'Roxanne' Croc Print Ledersandalen mit Flip-Flops-Stil, Knöchelriemen.Gia Borghini'Roxanne' SandalenEU -Frauen
Gia Borghini x Pernille Teisbaek 'Perni 03' Sandalen in Denim mit Doppelband und einer Ferse.Gia BorghiniGia Borghini x Pernille Teisbaek 'Perni 03' SandalenEU Frau Heels: 80 mm
'Alvine' Wildleder -Sandalen mit Schleifenfutter, verstellbare Klettbänder.Gia Borghini'Alvine' SandalenEU -Frauen
'Alvine' Wildleder -Sandalen mit Schleifenfutter, verstellbare Klettbänder.Gia Borghini'Alvine' SandalenEU -Frauen
Mule von Gia Borghini in schattiertem Jeans mit offener Tobe, schlanker Ferse und Ledersohle.Absatz 10 cm100% Textilmaterial / Ledersohle
Butter gepolsterte Leder -Tanga -Sandalen von Gia Borghini mit S Keil, Logo auf der Außensohle für Innensohle und Leder.Absatz 8 cm100% Leder- / Ledersohle
Braune Öko-Leder-Knöchelstiefel von Gia Borghini mit abgerundeter Zeh, Rückenlack, Leder und Gummi-Sohle.100% Ecoleather / Gummi -Sohle
Blau Leder hohe Sandalen von Gia Borghini mit offenem quadratischen Zeh, Schnürsenkel am Knöchel, Sanduhrabsatz und Ledersohle.Absatz 10 cm100% Leder- / Ledersohle
Knielange Wildlederstiefel aus Gieborghini mit schwarzem, Kalbleder, knielangen, Pull-on-Stil, rund Zeh, Pull-tab an der Ferse und der geruchten Gummi-Sohle.Wildleder Außen: Wildleder 100% Futter: Kalb Leder 100% Sohle: Gummi 100%
Kniebeuge-Plattform 70-mm-Stiefel von Gieborghini mit schwarzem, Kalbleder, knielang, getäfelter Design, Tonnähte, runder Zehen, Plattform-Sohle und klobiger Gummi-Sohle.Kalb Lederfutter: Kalb Leder 100% Außen: Kalb Leder 100% Sohle: Gummi 100%
The item with MPN ROSIE6R20 and code F67540 rhw model in leather of brown color is part of the category sandals of the designer Gia Borghini.
The item with MPN ROSIE6R18 and code F67540 rhw model in leather of beige color is part of the category sandals of the designer Gia Borghini.
The item with MPN GIA6A090 and code F70084 in yellow leather is part of the sandals category of the designer Gia Borghini.
The item with MPN ROSIE13NAPPA43 and code F70083 rhw model in leather of beige color is part of the category sandals of the designer Gia Borghini.
The item with MPN ROSIE18NAPPA4001 and code F70082 rhw model in leather of green color is part of the category sandals of the designer Gia Borghini. It has features such as front detail.
The item with MPN GIA2A201 and code F70355 in beige leather is part of the sandals category of the designer Gia Borghini.
The article with MPN ROSIE14FABRIC4001 and code F70360 rosie model in fabric of green color is part of the category sandals of the designer Gia Borghini.
The article with MPN ROSIE12NAPPA5037 and code F70363 in leather of beige color is part of the category sandals of the designer Gia Borghini.
The item with MPN GIA4M090 and code F70480 model already in fabric of beige color is part of the category sandals of the designer Gia Borghini.
The item with MPN ROSIE12KIDSUEDE4300 and code F70364 model rhw suede beige color is part of the category sandals of the designer Gia Borghini.
The item with MPN ROSIE12KIDSUEDE4500 and code F70364 model rhw in suede in brown color is part of the category sandals of the designer Gia Borghini.
The item with MPN BICOLOREGIA11D0030 and code F71744 in plexiglas of green color is part of the category sandals of the designer Gia Borghini.
The item with MPN GIA115000 and code F71743 in leather of black color is part of the category sandals of the designer Gia Borghini.
Der Artikel mit MPN PERNI03UnID3595 und Code F77450 in Fabric of Blue Color ist Teil der Kategoriensandalen des Designers Gia Borghini.
Der Artikel mit MPN Perni034121 und Code F77449 Model Lederstifte grauer Farbe ist Teil der Kategorie -Sandalen des Designers Gia Borghini.
The article with MPN ROSIE20NAPPA4300 and code F70508 rosie model in leather of beige color is part of the category wedges of the designer Gia Borghini. It has features such as a vintage effect.
The item with MPN PERNI07CALFSUEDEBLACK and code F71811 model pernille teisbaek suede black is part of the category boots of the designer Gia Borghini.
The item with MPN LUNAC157 and code F69265 couture model in fabric of white color is part of the category boots of the designer Gia Borghini. It has features such as intentionally stained areas that can vary.
The item with MPN MARTEBISEGREY and code F66954 model couture in leather in gray color is part of the category boots of the designer Gia Borghini. It has features such as a vintage effect.
The item with MPN GIOVEB182 and code F66947 model couture rubber black is part of the category boots of the designer Gia Borghini.
The item with MPN GIOVEB184 and code F66947 model couture rubber black is part of the category boots of the designer Gia Borghini.
The item with MPN GIOVEB183 and code F66947 model couture rubber black is part of the category boots of the designer Gia Borghini.
The item with MPN GIOVEBISB183 and code F69272 model couture rubber black color is part of the category boots of the designer Gia Borghini.
The item with MPN PERNI07CALFSUEDESAND and code F71811 model pernille teisbaek suede beige is part of the category boots of the designer Gia Borghini.
The item with MPN PERNI07CALFSUEDEMUD and code F71811 model pernille teisbaek suede green is part of the category boots of the designer Gia Borghini.
The article with MPN ROSIE275000 and code F71822 rhw model in leather of black color is part of the category boots of the designer Gia Borghini.
The item with MPN ROSIE7SUEDE2175 and code F71821 rhw model in suede of brown color is part of the category boots of the designer Gia Borghini.
The item with MPN GIA164300 and code F72997 in leather of beige color is part of the category boots of the designer Gia Borghini. It has features such as a vintage effect.
The item with MPN GIA125000 and code F71806 in fabric of black color is part of the category boots of the designer Gia Borghini.