Shipping Policy

Replica Handbags shipping policy outlines the terms and conditions for our delivery services, including shipping costs, delivery times, shipping protection, and handling of lost or damaged items. By placing an order with Replica Handbag , you agree to the terms outlined in this policy.


Please note that all delivery times are estimates and begin after your order has been dispatched.

All orders are shipped from Italy within 3 business days.

Delivery times are calculated in business days (Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays). Replica Handbags offers worldwide shipping, and delivery times and costs may vary depending on your location:

  • European Union (EU):
        • Free shipping for orders over $199.
        • For orders below $199, the delivery cost is $19 (~ ā‚¬17).
        • The average delivery time frame is 3 business days.
        • The average dispatch time frame is 3 business days.


  • USA Worldwide:
      • Free shipping for orders over $399.
      • For orders below $399, the delivery cost is $19.
      • The average delivery time frame is 5 business days.
      • The averageĀ dispatchĀ time frame is 3 business days.


    Please be aware that actual delivery times may vary due to factors beyond Replica Handbag 's control, such as customs processing, carrier delays, or public holidays. Replica Handbags is not liable for any delays caused by such factors.

  • Balardi's shipping costs do not include any import charges, taxes, or customs duties that may be applicable to your order. Customers are responsible for paying any additional customs fees or taxes required by their country upon delivery. Replica Handbags cannot offer a refund for these charges. We recommend checking your local customs policies for specific information on potential fees or delays before placing an order.

    * Import duties are included for US customers of order up to $1000

    **Ā Import duties VAT are included for Europe union customersĀ on all orders



    Upon receiving your package, please verify the following:

    • The number of packages delivered matches the information on the shipping document.
    • The packaging is intact and undamaged.
    • The products match your order.

    IMPORTANT! When signing for your delivery, please clearly indicate on the delivery note "the right to check the integrity of the products." This ensures you have the opportunity to inspect the package for any discrepancies in appearance or quantity. Failure to do so may limit your ability to dispute any discrepancies after delivery.

  • Shipments are not insured unless the customer added the "shipping protection". If your package arrives damaged, with missing items or lost, please follow these steps:

    Step A. Contact Replica Handbags Customer Support*Ā Ā 

    Notify us immediately by emailing with the subject line "Lost or Damaged Package." Include your order number, details of the damage or loss, and any relevant photos of the damaged package or items.

    Step B. File a Claim.Ā Ā 

    Replica Handbags will assist you in filing a claim with the carrier. We will keep you informed about the status of your claim and work with you to reach a satisfactory resolution.

    Step C. Resolution.Ā Ā 

    Depending on the outcome of the investigation, Replica Handbags will offer a replacement of the item(s), store credit, or a refund to the original payment method.

    * You have 10 days from the delivery date of the carrier to report if the shipping is missing, after 10 days from delivery the insurance is expired, will not be able to open a claim and get a refund.

  • To ensure payment security, Replica Handbags may require additional verification if there is a mismatch between the registered name on the order and the credit card holder's name. This verification process may delay shipment by up to 7 business days. This measure is in place to protect our customers from fraudulent and unauthorized transactions. Customers will be contacted via email if further verification is required.


    If you refuse to accept a shipped package, or the package never arrived to you because you weren't able to receive the package, didn't pay import charges, asked Replica Handbags to return before it's delivered, was out of the country, or any other issue that caused the package being returned before it's delivered, the package will be returned to our warehouse, and you will incur a fixed fee of $120 + import charges and duties of the Italian customs. Shipping fees paid will not be refunded. The process and partial refund may take up to 14 business days.

  • If you have not received your order within 10 business days of receiving shipment confirmation, please contact Replica Handbags immediately by email at with the subject line "Non-Delivery." Please include your order number and any additional relevant information. Replica Handbags will contact you within 2 business days to investigate the issue and offer a resolution or explanation.

  • For shipments outside the European Union, Replica Handbags works with trusted customs agencies like FedEx (, DHL ( , and UPS (Ā  to ensure a smooth and efficient customs clearance process. Replica Handbags will provide all necessary documentation to facilitate this process. Our extensive experience with international shipping allows us to offer fast and reliable service to our global customers. Please note that delays caused by customs are outside of Replica Handbag 's control, and customers may need to follow up with their local customs office.

  • Replica Handbags offers a Shipping Protection Policy to safeguard your purchases. This policy provides peace of mind by covering your order against loss, damage, or theft during transit. Shipping protection is applicable only under the following conditions:

    • Selection and Payment for Shipping Protection. Customers must select and pay for the Shipping Protection option at the time of purchase. This option will be presented during the checkout process.
    • Non-Request for Signature Release. To ensure maximum security, customers should not request a signature release upon delivery. Signature release waives the right to Shipping Protection.

    Replica Handbags assumes no liability for lost, damaged, or stolen items if the above criteria are not met. If the customer does not pay for shipping insurance, Replica Handbags will not be able to claim compensation from the carrier, and no reimbursement will be provided for lost, damaged, or stolen items.

  • To initiate a claim for a lost, damaged, or stolen item, please contact Replica Handbags customer support within 7 business days of the estimated delivery date. Claims filed after this period may not be eligible for resolution.Ā 

    If a claim is approved under the Shipping Protection Policy, Replica Handbags will cover the subtotal of the order. Refunds will be issued to the original payment method used by the customer.Ā 

    The time required to process a claim and receive a refund may take up to 40 business days due to the carrier's investigation time. Replica Handbags will keep customers updated on the status of their claim throughout this process.

  • Replica Handbags utilizes FedEx, DHL, and UPS for all deliveries. Replica Handbags reserves the right to choose the most suitable carrier for your delivery location to ensure the fastest possible service. If you have a preferred carrier, please indicate this in your order comments, and we will do our best to accommodate your request.

  • For any questions, concerns, or assistance related to shipping, please contact Replica Handbags customer support:

    • Email:
    Replica Handbags
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