Refund & Return Policy

At Replica Handbag , we strive to ensure your complete satisfaction with every purchase. If you're not entirely happy with your order, you can return it within 14 days of the delivery date. Please carefully review our Refund Return Policy to understand the terms and conditions before initiating a return.

Please note that due to the international nature of our operations and the importing of luxury products from Italy, there are specific guidelines and costs associated with returning items. We recommend that you carefully review our policy before initiating a return to ensure that you understand the requirements and potential costs involved.


  • Return Period
    You have 14 days from the delivery date to request a return. Returns requested outside of this 14-day period will not be accepted.

  •  Shipping Costs
    You are responsible for covering all shipping costs, import charges, customs duties (estimated at the time of opening a return), processing fees determined by Replica Handbag , and any associated courier charges.

  • Return Label Cost
    The return label comes with a fixed fee of $25. We will provide an estimate of the total return cost, including shipping and import charges back to Italy, before issuing the return label.

  • Time Limit
    Returns must be shipped within 3 business days of receiving the return label. Returns shipped after this period will be rejected.



To ensure your return is accepted, please adhere to the following conditions:

  • Item Condition
    All returned items must be new, unused, and have all original designer garment tags and labels attached. Items must be unworn, unwashed, unironed, and undamaged.

  • Packaging
    Shoes must be returned in their original boxes. Lingerie and hosiery must be returned in unopened packages. Skincare and cosmetics must be unopened with an unbroken seal and in their original packaging.

  • Return Label
    All returns must be shipped using the Replica Handbags return label.

  • Return Origin
    Returns must be shipped from the same country as the original shipping address. Items from different warehouses should not be returned together; return each item individually in separate boxes.

  • Odor
    Items with a strong smell will be rejected.
  • Return system
    The return must be opened using the self-system, sending an email doesn't provide legitimacy to accept the return if it hasn't opened on the system on time.
Click Here to open a return request.



    If you receive a faulty, damaged, or incorrect item, report it within 5 days of receiving your order and provide pictures as proof. If confirmed, we will arrange for the return of these goods and issue a full refund or exchange. We will cover the return shipping costs in these cases.

    If you have paid import charges to your country, we cannot provide a refund.


    If you refuse to accept a shipped package, or the package never arrived to you because you weren't able to receive the package, didn't pay import charges, asked Replica Handbags to return before it's delivered, was out of the country, or any other issue that caused the package being returned before it's delivered, the package will be returned to our warehouse, and you will incur a fixed fee of $120 + import charges and duties of the Italian customs. Shipping fees paid will not be refunded. The process and partial refund may take up to 14 business days.


    Returns that do not meet the policy conditions will be rejected and returned to you. You will be responsible for additional shipping fees to have these items returned to you. Customer support will notify you of these fees by email. 


    If a return does not comply with this Refund Return Policy, it will be refused. You will receive an email detailing the policy violation and the return costs. Payment for the return costs must be made within 60 days. Failure to pay will result in the loss of the returned item.


    Money refund - Any agreed refunds will be processed by the payment processor within 10 working days of receipt of the returned goods.

    Store credit - the store credit is issued immediately once the refund is approved, and the customer receives an extra $20 in credit.
    The store credit can be used on 100% of Replica Handbags products and is valid for 356 days.


    For any questions or concerns about your return, please contact our customer service team by email at We are here to assist you and ensure a smooth return process. 



    Click Here to open a return request.

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