At Replica Handbag
, we take the protection of your credit card information seriously. Credit card fraud not only impacts our customers but also affects our company, and we are dedicated to preventing it. Our team carefully reviews hundreds of orders daily to maintain low fraud rates.
If we suspect any fraudulent activity, we reserve the right to request additional information.
In such cases, we will notify you that your order is on hold and ask for a copy of the credit card used, the purchaser s driver’s license, and a transaction screenshot from your bank/credit card.
We understand that it can be uncomfortable to send sensitive information over the Internet. Here are some steps you can take to be sure that your information reaches us safely.
1. Lay out your credit card and license on a table or sheet of paper. Do not layer or stack the cards.
2. Block out all numbers on your credit card except for the LAST 4 DIGITS.
3. Make sure that we can see the expiration date, cardholder s name, and issuer (such as bank, store, or airline).
4. Block out personal information from your license such as birth date, eye color, weight, etc
5. Make sure that we can see your name and address.
6. If you are using a corporate credit card, any authorized company personnel may send their information, it does not need to be the cardholder.
It is important to hide sensitive information, but be sure that we can still see necessary information as requested.
Here is an example of how it should be sent: